Saturday, 14 September 2013

Another meet with Vending zones

Most of the vendors are first generation workers while some are assisted with their sons. Most of them are in the age bracket of forty to fifty. On an average most of them have started their business with their own funds. While some had initially borrowed money from informal sources but at present, all are debt free. They managed to repay every penny borrowed by them as individuals within the very same year they had commenced their operations. 

They all enjoy a good creditworthiness amongst them. As mentioned by them, they were an extended family so any one in need could approach any one regarding anything and at any point of time. They had developed a sense of belonging to the vending zone and when asked about their future plans many replied that they would stay put at the same place, amongst the same people till they breathe their last breath. Who says that relations are just the blood ones where as here you could find a strong sense of brotherhood and unity which had been built and nurtured over the past two decade. Most of them were rural migrants having agricultural land in their birthplace, which at present is being tended by their siblings or parents residing therein. They have managed to build a house for themselves and many of them own two wheelers. They have access to television and mobile phones for their entertainment.

The fruit sellers did brisk business and were somewhat better off than their counterparts. This is totally judgemental, as this is a conclusion we drew from the difference we saw among their shops. They had a refrigerator for their fruits and had motorbikes as a means of commuting, while others had mopeds.

The overall scenario that we could generalise was that all of the vendors were better off with the opening of legalized vending zones. They could respectably earn their bread as they were freed from the constant fear of being troubled by police and civic authorities. The evacuation drive no longer troubled them as they had a legal right to operate in the vending zone formed by them. Many earn a respectable living from these zones. 

They have a family to tend to and are striving hard to provide a decent standard of living to them. They are educating their children so that they can grow up to become self made people. All of the owners are grateful and proud of their place of work as it has enabled them to reach their current place in the society.

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